Sunday, May 15, 2011

More travel planned!

Been a while since Jennifer and I have traveled but I'm super excited to let you guys know that I am moving back to California from New York City and Jennifer and I will be spending our summer zig-zagging and seeing the great US of A in the good ol' '96 Ford Expedition. Jennifer has been quite caught up with finals to show her excitement for the trip but I have been scouting, grouponing, and planning this 3 week journey across the 50 states.

Tentatively, we are planning on the following itinerary.

-NYC - drive south for as long as we can handle (stop somewhere in Virginia)

-Charleston - South Carolina - weekend by the beach and golf courses

- Birgmingham, Alabama - free stay with cousin Richard? Or spend a night in Atlanta (getting caffeinated at the Coke Museum)

-Nashville, Tennesse (homestyle southern cooking and country music)

-Kansas City/St Louis, Missouri (Truck stop country BBQ?)

Madison, Wisconsin - Supposedly a beautiful college town to visit

Minneapolis, Minnesota - spend some time around the great lakes.

South Dakota - mt rushmore!

Idaho/Wyoming/Montana - hiking/biking/fishing/camping

Seattle, Washington - justin/Ben - (side trip to British Columbia)

Oregon - maybe visit Corvalis, home of the O. State Beavers!

Back to Sunny California in time for July 4th.