Thursday, June 4, 2009


Imagine the hottest you have ever been, multiply that by about 10 and you will know how Delhi feels in June. It is ridiculously hot here, but I dont think the sun has even reached its maximum potential at this particular latitude and longitude. I am hoping we will have escaped to Africa before we need to experience that. Even at 7pm, when light is barely perceptible on the horizon, I feel like i'm standing in the wake of the exhaust pipe of an old '65 Chevy pickup that hasn't had a smog check in 20+ years. Its dusty, smoggy, and thick. My eyeballs feel hot.

Oh, its hot!

We whirled through Mumbai pretty quickly, and I found it to be a pretty vibrant and charming city. We visited Cafe Leopold and the Taj Palace, sites of the tourist shootings in late 2008, I took a nice picture next to the bullet holes...they still haven't patched it up yet. I have been thinking about terror tourism. I'm wondering if violent acts committed in the name of terrorism actually boost tourism. I mean, prior to 9/11, the twin towers had never crossed my mind. Its slightly morbid but seems to be true so far.

Oy, its hot!

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