Thursday, April 16, 2009

Burnt in Bali

Kuta Beach, originally uploaded by jasonwmak.

It's our fourth day in Bali and we are having a great time. It's nice to finally arrive in Asia. Everything is very affordable and the people are very friendly. We are staying at the Hotel Kumala Pantai here, a resort in its own right and paying what we were paying what we were paying for a very crappy hostel in Autralia. For around $10 here we eat very well each meal. And finally Jennifer has fully indulged in her massages. In two days we'll escape the beach and head to Bukit Lawang, close to Medan, to hike in the Mountains and visit the Orangutangs, it will be a good break from the beach and hopefully the scorching sun. Oh by the way, I am getting really dark and I almost look like a local! Jennifer continues to be a "cheap ass M'fcker!". Today, she diligently analyzed our lunch bill and actually saved us 1000 rupiah (which is equivalent to 10 cents!).

Soon we'll post some pictures of our sunburnt bodies. We are like two red tomatoes, but i'm a dark tomato.

Hope everyone is doing well.


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