Greetings from Queenstown. Today is our relaxing day as the past few days have been filled with roads, rides, and jumps. I am really enjoying Queenstown, a small town that is claimed to be the "adventure capital" of New Zealand. As Jennifer mentioned there are so many tours and sports to do here and so many cool REI-like stores. I'm loving it! So far, Jennifer and I have went luging (think Mario Cart), which was really fun, as we careened down the top of the mountain in little plastic luges. We also tested our will on the famous AJ Hacket Bungy where we did a canyon swing and bungee jump (videos will be posted when I return). Bungee jumping was by far the scarriest thing I've ever done, scarier than sky diving. The canyon swing was no tamer.
Yesterday, Jennifer and I took a BBQ bus ran by a Japanese and Kiwi couple to the famous Milford Sound. Sadly, I would have to say that Haloong Bay in Vietnam is much better but it was a nice day, even though I got a bit car sick. Anyways, hope everyone at home is doing great. Eddie and Janet, have a great wedding. We wish we could be there with you all but I hope you guys have a great time and post many photos for us to see!